Dec 12, 2021 | a la une, Arts
In C Sasha Waltz & Guests | Terry Riley | Bang on a Can All-Stars | Radialsystem Berlin photos Sebastian Bolesch “In C” by Sasha Waltz & Guests – After it was premiered digitally in March 2021, and had...
Dec 9, 2021 | a la une, EDITO
WINNIE D and her Stories from a Glove Photographer Tom Hagemeyer went to Winnie’s hub, where her photographs glow with scenes from all over the world. He embraced the place’s brightens and atmosphere. you can read Winnie Denker’s interview...
Dec 3, 2021 | a la une, Arts
A.M.: who are you, Jochen Sandig? J.S.: I am In Love with Life ! I was born at 5.55 am, on a very cold January 5th, in the revolutionary year of 1968 in Esslingen, South West of Germany. It was a winter morning with minus 20 degree celsius and I was born into a very...