Tamar Su

a la une, Arts

G.WEN: Who are you, Tamar Su? Can you tell me about your artistic universe?

Tamar: I’m an artist who started as an artistic manager and became an active singer-songwriter in the last few years, the moment I realised I can also sing in French.

I’m performing and recording in both languages – Hebrew and French – and this combination brought the variety of my universe. On one hand, the Hebrew classic folk-rock, and on the other hand, the French electro-world music.

G.WEN: “Des Toits Gris” was released in 2019. Tell me, was it a complicated album to produce as a first musical work? Was it a long trip? Can you tell me about its recording?

Tamar: “Des Toits Gris” was the first single from my debut album, which is called by my name, “Tamar Su.” The album was released in 2022, so you can imagine that it was a long journey. It took three years to release the full album. “Des Toits Gris” was the first “kick” that led me during the Covid time to focus on recording. There was enough time and space to be able to exist in both territories (Israel and France). By doing so, I succeeded in making my research music and words in both languages.

G.WEN: Did you have a precise musical direction in its conception?

Tamar: Well, first of all, the concept was to make it happen during a strange period. I was on the line between Israel and France and came to record door-to-door in the houses of my band members, as well as in a few studios. The main concept was to make something influenced by the French classical chansons with my Israeli strong core that I have carried since I was very young when I listened to music and began writing songs.

G.WEN: You have two new albums in 2022, one in French and one in Hebrew. Can you tell me about them?

Tamar: As I was mentioning in the first question, yes, it’s my first album, and it has two sides. Both sides combine Hebrew and French. I have five songs that I did two versions of as I felt they could feel good both in Hebrew and French, and each one brings different vibes. The album is actually an expression of me on the past ten years. It took me a long time to feel ready to be a 100% artist. It was a journey that a lot of amazing people took part in, my band members, my crew behind the scene, my friends who helped me to create beautiful video clips, and many more. The album’s creation took a turn when my partner and I were based in Paris, and then we came for a visit to Israel back when a global pandemic had started. When the sky had closed, one week’s visit became six months. The uncertain atmosphere allowed a fascinating arena of movement and creation.


Beit Hayozer show – Credit  Yaniv Grady

G.WEN: I read that you are influenced by Israeli and international classic rock and world music. Can you expand on your multiple influences?

Tamar: Sure, from the Israeli rock, there are many women that gave me inspiration, such as Rona Keinan, Judith Ravitz, Korin Allal, Chava Alberstein, Inbal Perlmuter, and of course, not only women but also Evitar Banai, Asaf Amdursky, as well as rock Israeli ensembles from the 90s. I was also influenced by French and world music like France Gall, Jane Birkin, Feist, Cat Power, The Cranberries, Eurythmics, and many more.

G.WEN: You express yourself in a musical universe inspired by Indie Folk Ethnic, can you tell me about it?

Tamar: The folk music has always been the starting point for me. When I listen to street art music with very simple and iconic instruments, it feels very powerful and authentic to me.

G.WEN: Your sound is borrowed from classical instruments such as Harp, Bouzouki, and cello. Can you expand? Is there also a pop musicality?

Tamar: I somehow fell in love with these two elements together, creating a very indie folkish sound with harp, bouzouki, percussion, etc. But at the same time, I also have electronic movements that make my music popish.

G.WEN: We also find a poetic dimension in your sounds. Can you tell me about it?

Tamar: I believe that the poetic dimension in my sounds comes from the eclectic cultures that peacefully coexist with each other.

G.WEN: You participated in an animated short film based on your story. Can you elaborate on this film, “Voyage avec Mon Père”?

Tamar: The film “Voyage avec Mon Père” is a short animated film that I created with my partner Mor Israeli, who directed the film. It was co-produced between France and Israel, connecting the country where we were born and the country we chose to live in.

The film is about coping with trauma and disability, and about a girl who is exposed for the first time to the weakness and open wound of her father. I chose to focus on the relationship between a father and his daughter, derived by the hole as an element of mystery, curiosity, and a bridge through which each of them looks at the world in their own perspective. I also created the music for the film, using instrumental parts from songs that I wrote about my dad.

G.WEN: Can you tell me about the notion of loss in the title “Maintenant“?

Tamar: “Maintenant” was written when I faced my loss again, this time from a mature perspective. The song is about memory, nostalgia, and the endless longing, while also acknowledging that we live here and now.

G.WEN: Has your music been broadcast on Fip for a long time? Can you talk about it?

Tamar: My PR agent, Charlotte Lafon, introduced my project to Fip, and very quickly, they decided to include three songs from my album in their playlist. I was very excited as I listen very often to FIP, and all of a sudden, my music was there! The names of the songs are “Des Toits Gris,” “Les Dieux perdent la tête,” and “Kimat velo bati.

G.WEN: Can you tell me about a typical day in the life of Tamar Su?

Tamar: I usually run in the morning to stay in shape, and then I start producing all kinds of projects and creating music, cinema, animation, and whatever else comes my way. In the evening, I love to meet with family and friends and go to cultural events.

G.WEN: Your titles offer B-Sides and other versions. Why is that?

Tamar: Some of the songs were translated into French and Hebrew, so the B-side offers extra tracks for those who want to explore my world further.

G.WEN: What is your favorite playlist?

Tamar: Sad indie folk 🙂

credit photo – Mor Israeli

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