Vivienne Westwood Spring Summer pre-collection 2022 : SAVE OUR SOULS
Poetics of sustainability, warriors and superheroes of contemporary problematics, this is what we like about the Vivienne Westwood collections. Dame Vivienne and Andreas Kronthaler have been pioneers of a conscious sourcing for fashion. And it works, not only their...
Conversation on beauty with PAOLO ROVERSI.
Dreams, poems and painting in the images of one of the greatest Italian photographers, fashion, beauty and books lover, as his “Dior Images” testifies. Paolo was born in 1947, a few months before Monsieur Dior’s debut show, when he entered the history of world...
Courtney King – the rewilder
Do you know what rewilding is? You should. In this times when sustainability and responsible production or consumption have become a common lexical of sometimes, obscure realities, certain people just act. Young, of beautiful simplicity, she is a fervent nature...