Jan 30, 2022 | Design, Lifestyle
Tala Mazhari launched her artisanal soap brand, Tameez, with the idea of taking an everyday item that we use on a daily basis and make it into an object of desire and design. She starts her design process with a natural soap base and then starts creating the object. ...
Jan 30, 2022 | a la une, Haute Couture
Wardrobe 15 A labor of love A Meta Averse Universe full of IRL Avatars Look Up! photo Ferry van der Nat *Special guest appearance by the legendary supermodel Pat Cleveland performing her debut single ‘I’m Falling In Love’ exclusively for RV The first time that I met...
Jan 30, 2022 | a la une, EDITO
A Meta Averse Universe full of IRL Avatars Look Up!*Special guest appearance by the legendary supermodel Pat Cleveland performing her debut single‘I’m Falling In Love’ exclusively for RV Inge Geurts photo Ferry van der Nat for RDVK curated by Diane Pernet see the...