Summer Beauty Secrets with Dr. Schartz

Summer Beauty Secrets with Dr. Schartz

The sun, essential for all life on earth, also has harmful effects on our skin in case of overexposure, which can even lead to the development of skin cancers. In order to be able to enjoy the sun optimally a three-step topical and overall skincare routine is called...
Chihuahua Dragon – fashion-forward nautical attire

Chihuahua Dragon – fashion-forward nautical attire

I’ve never been the type of person who gravitates towards the beach. However, growing up near the Pacific and the Caribbean, my family and I would spend countless weekends by the shore. As I entered adulthood, I found myself constantly under the coastal sun,  a...
Anima Mundi- The Carousel of Life – art show

Anima Mundi- The Carousel of Life – art show

by Alexandra MAS   Have we, perhaps, unwittingly severed the connection between ourselves and Mother Nature, leaving us vulnerable to the very demise we have imposed upon lifeless entities? Have we completely forgotten the primordial knowledge? In a world...