By Diane Pernet On Friday, February 9, the vernissage of Gustavo Ten Hoever’s works took place at the Gajacmuseum. Although his works have been seen around the world, they are unfortunately notwell-recognized in France. Julia Fabry, a valuable collaborator of...
By Diane Pernet Dive into the captivating world of “Cristóbal Balenciaga,” the upcoming Spanish bio-drama series that provides a nuanced look into the life of the iconic Spanish couturier. Set to premiere on Disney+ this January 19, the show unfolds...
The 6th edition of Fipadoc, France’s premier international documentary festival, returns to Biarritz from January 19th to 27th. This unique festival heralds the onset of the new year by illuminating both the winter season and the global narrative landscape,...
As the festive season unfolds, La Samaritaine transforms into a Palace of Delicacies! From November 8th to January 9th, this iconic department store celebrates the essence of French living, immersing visitors into a world of indulgence and pleasure. No half-measures...
The Musée Paul Valéry in Sète sets the stage for a groundbreaking showcase, heralding the very first museum retrospective dedicated to the exceptional French independent artist, Orsten Groom. Opening its doors from December 2nd, 2023, to February 25th, 2024. This...